Funnel Calculator for digital products
Previously, as a sĂȘnior media buyer, working at Laranjeira Agency, I had the oportunity of working with many digital based projects. Usually in the form of "infoproducts", or online courses, mentorship programs, workshops, ebooks, software or anything in a digital format.
Part of planning the marketing strategy for these kind of products, is to design the actual funnel, calculate the budget and estimate the results. To get the most accurate and realistic estimation possible, we use a Results Projection spreadsheet(on Google Sheets). By entering our clients usual cost-per-click, conversion-rate and other metric obtained through a data anlysis on the campaign history, we can project possible results within a few scenarios.
The image below, represents a simplified version of a one-product projection:
We draw these scenarios based on the designed funnel. So, if this clients has complementary products that can be used as an orederbump, we will consider that into the calculation. If the client dosen't have a Upsell product, we might show a scneario where he does, and how much extra revenue this new product can bring to the total.
A very simple linear projection like this, can go a long way in clarifying what are the oportunities for improving this sales funnels. And what's the impact that can be expected on embracing these improvements. I consider a projection to be absolutely essencial for any digital product marketing plan.
The following image represents the expanded projection, now accounting for two orderbumps and one upsell:
The number in green, alongside "Monthly Revenue", shows how much additional income is genarted by having all funnel "extensions", such as orderbumps and upsells.
This might look even a bit oversimplified, or unfit for any use case regarding more complex funnels. But the great thing about having a starting "template", like this, is the ease of extending its functionalities. I have, many times, adapted this template to reflect monthly recurring sales or lead generation, for example.
Now, as Head of performance at Laranjeira, I felt the need to create a tool for the team under my supervision and other agencies under our mentorship porgram. This tool should be even easier to use, but with extended functionalities. I arrived at a concept for a webapp, developed it with Next.js, deployed it on Vercel and made it avaliable at the best $2 domain name I could find.
Please, checkout
(currently in Brazilian Portuguese only)
It's a very simple funnel projection calculator, that allows users to add as many orderbumps, upsells and downsells needed to reflect their reality(or ambitions). Given the input on the card to the left, meaning all product's metrics, the card on the right will display the projected result. Sales and Revenue are displayed with a detailed breakdown of the participation of each product on the total.
The extended funcionalities also include: a sharable link generator and impovement recommendations from Open AI's chat GPT. Both acessible from the top right button.
As for further improvements, I would be looking at functionalities such as saving and loading previous scenarios, authentication, data export, and maybe an interface along the lines of Funnelytics. For now, we will not be retiring our good old spreadsheet, as it is still the go-to tool for many of our clients. However, is expected to be gradually adopted into our internal processes and training programs.